How to Type 3x Faster on iPhone Enable Slide to Text Swype

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How to Type 3x Faster on iPhone Enable Slide to Text Swype
How to Type 3x Faster on iPhone Enable Slide to Text Swype
You can type faster and more accurately with the Slide to Text keyboard, a new feature introduced in iOS 13, similar to Swype on Android.

If you switched from Android to iOS, you may not have the ability to use Swype and type faster than the iPhone keyboard. The good news is that iPhone is introducing the slide-to-text keyboard in iOS 13, so you can have a similar input method.

Before its official introduction on iPhones, you couldn't use Swype or swipe to text on iPhones, but had to rely on a third-party keyboard app – for example the Gboard, which, once downloaded, you could access the iPhone Settings – General Settings, Keyboards and enable it to replace the default keyboard.

If you have iOS 13 or later, you can simply enable slide to text by going to:
Settings – General – Keyboard – Tab to Slide to Text to enable it.

Once activated, just swipe your fingers to connect the latest ones and start using this cool feature.

I hope you enjoy using it!

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