How to Update Nvidia Ubuntu Drivers

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How to Update Nvidia Ubuntu Drivers
How to Update Nvidia Ubuntu Drivers
Follow the step-by-step guide and learn the basic commands with which you can update nvidia drivers in your Linux-based operating system.

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Nividia provides a number of drivers for various hardware such as sound card, graphics card, network card and others. This program that helps you run your computer smoothly. When using Ubuntu, a Linux-based operating system, many people don't know how to get nvidia driver updates.
Follow this step-by-step guide to learn how to update nvidia Ubuntu drivers.

Step 1 – Opening the Terminal
First, open the /"Terminal/" and type the following command:
/"sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubundu-x-swat/x-updates/" and press Enter.
Once finished, you will need to enter your password to continue the update. Now press the /"Enter/" key to start the update process when prompted.

Step 2: Getting the Update
In the next step, enter the following command:
/"sudo apt-get update/" to proceed to the next step of updating nvidia drivers.

Step 3 — Downloading Updates
Now enter the following command:
/"sudo apt-get install nvidia-current nvidia-settings/" and press the /"Y/" key to continue when prompted.
Once finished, let the processing continue and once finished, restart the computer to activate the drivers. Through this process, you can simply download nvidia driver updates whenever you want.
Alternatively, you can also visit the official Nvidia website. The website has a comprehensive library of Nvidia graphics drivers available for download, which will work on almost any Linux operating system.
Alt Text /"Updating current Nvidia settings/"

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