How to Use Amazon Prime Video – Tutorial for Beginners

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How to Use Amazon Prime Video – Tutorial for Beginners
How to Use Amazon Prime Video – Tutorial for Beginners
How to Use Amazon Prime Video – Tutorial for Beginners
To use Amazon Prime Video, you can either go to or go to the Amazon home page, and in the upper right corner, select "Your Prime".

Then scroll down and under /"Prime Video/", select /"Watch now/".

The Prime Video homepage presents various options to watch, including Amazon Prime Originals, Recommended Titles, Popular Options, and more.

At the top of your screen, you will see tabs that you can use to explore different titles.

Under the /"Store/" tab, you will find movies and TV shows that you can rent or purchase for an additional fee.

The next tab is the /"Channels/" tab.

Amazon Prime gives you access to various channels that you can subscribe to, stream live, or watch on demand. Subscriptions to these channels often incur additional fees.

By selecting the channel guide, you can view a complete guide to what's broadcast live throughout the day.

Next comes the /"Categories/" tab.

Here you can sort titles divided by TV, Movies, Kids and Included with Prime.

Under each category, the titles are then also divided by recommended options, most popular, genre and other subtopics. If you find a topic you like, you can always select the "See more" option next to the topic name to see a full list of titles in that category.

If you want to know more about a title, simply click on the title thumbnail and you will receive a summary of the title, information about its cast and, if it is a TV show, a list of episodes from the series.

If you want to watch the title later, you can add it to your watchlist by clicking the /"Watchlist/" button, or you can select /"Play/" to watch it now.

Once you look at the title, you can use screen controls.

In the upper right corner you have:
Subtitles – to activate or change the language of your subtitles
Settings – to change video quality
Volume – to increase, decrease or mute the video volume
Full screen – to expand the video to full screen

In the left corner, you will see a drop-down list next to the title. This will display a list of actors appearing in the scene.

By clicking on /"See all/

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