How to use Audacity for noise reduction and removal – Audacity Noise Removal Tutorial

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How to use Audacity for noise reduction and removal – Audacity Noise Removal Tutorial
How to use Audacity for noise reduction and removal – Audacity Noise Removal Tutorial
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Audacity Noise Removal Tutorial – How to Use Audacity for Noise Reduction and Removal – Audacity The Free Voice Recording Software. It's easy to reduce background noise with Audacity recording software. Audacity download: Free video training:

In this Audacity Noise Reduction tutorial, I explain the basic interface of Audacity and how to use Audacity for noise reduction and removal. Audacity is the free open source sound recorder and editor available for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.
Use Audacity to clean up voice recordings.

00:00 Presentation
0:51 Interface overview
1:08 Level indicators
1:17 Recording level control
1:23 Playback level control
1:30 Device toolbar to select your recording device
2:28 Setting the ideal recording level
2:53 Configuring Audacity to record
3:52 Recording a reference background noise to sample later
4:36 Selecting the Noise Reduction effect in the Effects menu
4:40 Get noise profile
4:54 Selecting audio to remove noise
5:03 Remove background noise
5:32 How to export your sound file
5:57 Download link and free video training

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noise cancellation, how to use audacity.

The free sound and voice recording software is available on the Audacity team website and a number of other sites. It's an open-source, cross-platform audio software for multi-track recording and editing and it also happens to be FREE.

Audacity certainly gives paid audio software a run for its money. If you use Adobe Audition or most other sound recording, you should find the interface familiar and reasonably easy to understand. However, you will need to configure Audacity to work with your system.

You'll find controls for setting up your input and output sources at the top of the interface, as well as controls for selecting mono or stereo recordings and your input and output levels.
The Effects table includes a lot of useful audio effects and in this video we look at the noise reduction effect. We record a voiceover sample in an office and next to a computer, then remove the background noise of the computer fan from the audio recording.

In this Audacity Noise Reduction tutorial, I explain the basic interface of Audacity and how to use Audacity for noise reduction and removal. Audacity is the free open source sound recorder and editor available for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.

To learn more about using audacity, take a look at

For more details on the Audacity Noise Reduction effect, see the Audacity Team Wiki

For more details on using Audacity, see the manual

To learn more about the basics of Audacity, see

Details about Audacity and its history can be found on Wikipedia

Audacity Noise Reduction and Cancellation – How to Use Audacity, the Free Voice Recording Software

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