How to Use Context Menu to Copy/Move Files to a Folder in Windows 10

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How to Use Context Menu to Copy/Move Files to a Folder in Windows 10
How to Use Context Menu to Copy/Move Files to a Folder in Windows 10
The right-click context menu for files in Windows 10 has a “Send to” option. The submenu allows you to send the file to a device connected via Bluetooth, to your email client, to your fax machine and to create a shortcut on your desktop. If you need to copy or move files, you can drag and drop them to other folders you have open. Drag and drop makes things quite easy, but if there is a certain folder that you often need to copy/move files to, then doing it from the context menu is much easier than drag and drop. Here's how to use the context menu to copy/move files to a folder of your choice. More information at

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