How to view desktop site on Microsoft Edge Android?

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How to view desktop site on Microsoft Edge Android?
How to view desktop site on Microsoft Edge Android?
Learn how to view desktop experience site on Android phone using Microsoft Edge browser app for Android. Edge has the ability to load the website in desktop mode on the phone browser without any issues.

The mobile user interface is ideal when we use the smartphone. These mobile sites come with a built-in responsive user interface, which means they will automatically change the structure and size depending on the screen size.

However, not all elements can be integrated into the mobile site due to the limited screen size. But if you want to load the desktop version of the site on the mobile phone, Microsoft Edge has the feature to enable the desktop version.

The Desktop site is also available in the Google Chrome browser for Android.

Here are the steps to view desktop site on Android phone using Microsoft Edge Android:
1. Launch the Microsoft Edge app for Android.
2. Open the website you want to view as a desktop site.
3. Tap the 3-dot menu for options.
4. Select the Desktop site from the list.

The web page will automatically reload and display the desktop version of the site on the smartphone. You can also browse the site to continue the desktop experience.

To return to the mobile site, tap the 3-dot menu option again and select the mobile site from the same list.

#ViewDesktopSite #OpenDesktopSiteMobile #MicrosoftEdgeAndroid

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