Install VirtualBox 7 on an Ubuntu 22.04 desktop

HomeOther ContentInstall VirtualBox 7 on an Ubuntu 22.04 desktop
Install VirtualBox 7 on an Ubuntu 22.04 desktop
Install VirtualBox 7 on an Ubuntu 22.04 desktop
Have you ever wanted to run a Windows machine or Windows software on your Ubuntu desktop. One way to do this is to use a virtualization manager such as VirtualBox. This video explains how to configure VirtualBox 7 on an Ubuntu 22.04 desktop. Besides Windows, you can also run Linux distributions in your VirtualBox installation on the Ubuntu desktop. Other videos on this channel explain how to install Windows, Ubuntu, Linux Mint and Xubuntu as virtual machines running in VirtualBox. VirtualBox 7 has a new graphical user interface or GUI, but creating a new virtual machine is basically using the old GUI.

00:00 Presentation
01:46 Download VirtualBox 7 and VirtualBox Extension Pack
03:29 Extract and display the VirtualBox .deb archive
05:17 Install VirtualBox 7
06:56 Add permissions from the “vboxusers” group to the user
08:29 Install VirtualBox extension pack

Additional information:

How to install VirtualBox 7 on Ubuntu22.04 LTS –

Ubuntu How to completely remove a package? –

How to install a .deb file on Ubuntu –

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