Installing Elegoo Arduino Uno IDE on Zorin OS 16 (based on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS)

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Installing Elegoo Arduino Uno IDE on Zorin OS 16 (based on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS)
Installing Elegoo Arduino Uno IDE on Zorin OS 16 (based on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS)
Installing Arduino IDE on Zorin OS 16. A Linux distribution based on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.

I bought the most complete Elegoo Uno electronic kit. This kit is based on the Arduino Uno. The electronic kit contains fairly detailed information, however I found the software installation section particularly deficient, particularly with regard to Linux. I had many problems trying to communicate between Linux and the Arduino. Guide written here:

Elegoo documentation:

To install the Arduino IDE, download the latest tar.gz file from Arduino:
Extract the file. Navigate to the extracted folder and you should see that it contains an file. Right-click on the empty space in the folder and select open in terminal. Type:
sudo ./
Because you are typing sudo (super user do), you will need to authenticate the command by providing your user password to the terminal.

Once the Arduino IDE is installed, you can connect the Arduino Uno to your PC and launch the Arduino IDE.

Select Tools, then Board and Arduino Uno.
Select Tools then Port, then select your port in my case /dev/ttyACM0 (Arduino Uno)

Run the sketch by selecting the Run button.

You will probably get:
An error occurred while downloading the sketch avrdude: ser_open: unable to open device /"/dev/ttyACM0/": permission denied.

This is because we (as a user) do not have login permissions to access the serial port. To fix this, open a terminal and type:

sudo usermod -a -G dialout Philippe

Where -a (add) -G (Group) and Philip should be replaced with your username (shown at the start of the prompt in the console).

Then type:

sudo chmod arw /dev/ttyACM0

Where a (all options), rw (adds read and write permissions) and /dev/ttyACM0 is the name of your device (this may vary if you have multiple Arduinos, replace it with the device you want) .

To apply permissions we need to reboot, so type:

sudo restart

Once restarted, you can reopen the Arduino IDE and try running the blank sketch again and it should download without errors.

Then go to FileExamples01. BasesBlink

This test sketch should open and you should see the test LED blinking for a second after the sketch loads.

#Arduino #Linux #Ubuntu

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