Installing MongoDB on Ubuntu Edureka

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Installing MongoDB on Ubuntu Edureka
Installing MongoDB on Ubuntu Edureka
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Ubuntu is a Debian-based Linux operating system, with Unity as the default desktop environment (GNOME was the previous desktop environment).
The video demonstrates installing MongoDB in Ubuntu.

The topics covered in the video are:
1.Getting started with installing in Ubuntu
2. Working on VMware Player for Ubuntu

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Edureka is a new age online learning platform that offers live, instructor-led online classes for learners who prefer a hassle-free, self-paced learning environment, accessible from any part of the world.
Topics related to installing MongoDB on Ubuntu have been covered extensively in our “MONGODB DEVELOPMENT AND ADMINISTRATION” course.
For more information, please write to us at [email protected]
Call us in the United States: 1800 275 9730 (toll-free) or in India: 91-8880862004

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