Installing Webmin in Ubuntu Linux VPS

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Installing Webmin in Ubuntu Linux VPS
Installing Webmin in Ubuntu Linux VPS
1. Log in as root user

2. Add Webmin to Apt repository

3. Using the Nano text editor, open and edit the file. To do this, type /" nano /etc/apt/sources.list/"

4. Go to the last line and add the following:
/"deb sarge contrib/" and press Enter to move to the next line and add the second /"deb /repository sarge contrib/", then press CTRL X, press Y, and press Enter to save the file.

5. Make sure you are using the root user and enter the root directory, to do this type /"cd /root/"

6. Download and install the Webmin GPG key, to do this, type the following:
to download /"wget"
and to install /"apt-key add jcameron-key.asc/"

7. Update the server by typing /"apt-get update/" (note that I did not use sudo for this command because I am using the root user)

8. Install Webmin by typing /"apt-get install webmin/"

9. That's it. Open your browser and enter your IP address and port number 10000 (e.g. and press Enter.

10. Log in as root user (username/password must be the same as your username/pass for your SSH). After successful login, install any updates (optional).

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