Interaction technology for better music teaching Benno Spieker TEDxTwenteU

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Interaction technology for better music teaching Benno Spieker TEDxTwenteU
Interaction technology for better music teaching Benno Spieker TEDxTwenteU
Music education can have a huge impact on children's development in several ways. However, there are still children who do not take music lessons in primary school because their teachers do not feel comfortable teaching music. Even if teacher educators do their best, teacher education needs to do better. In his speech, Benno advocates for the use of interaction technology as a solution to the challenges currently facing teacher education in music pedagogy. Benno Spieker holds a Ph.D. candidate at the Human Media Interaction group at the University of Twente and at the IPEM research group at the University of Ghent. His research focuses on interaction technology to help pre-service teachers learn to guide collaborative music creation. In his work, he operates at the intersection of music, education, technology, research and innovation. He draws on his experience as a music teacher in secondary education, as a teacher trainer in music pedagogy in a teachers' academy, and as a member of the board of directors of the national network of teachers. of music in teacher academies (NMP) and as an entrepreneur in the field of music (education). Since 2015, Benno has been a music teacher trainer in technology-enriched music education at the Bachelor of Music in Education at the ArtEZ Conservatory in Enschede, part of the ArtEZ University of the Arts. He is also professionally involved in the More Music in the Classroom foundation, which promotes music education in Dutch primary schools nationwide. In addition, he is a board member of the National Association of Music Teachers (VLS) in the Netherlands and national coordinator for the Netherlands on behalf of the European School Music Association ( EAS), of which he is also a member of the board of directors. Finally, Benno is the owner of ( and co-founder of the startup eduFade ( This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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