Interesting Facts: Is Your Smartphone Listening to You Secretly? Protect yourself – Part 1

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Interesting Facts: Is Your Smartphone Listening to You Secretly? Protect yourself - Part 1
Interesting Facts: Is Your Smartphone Listening to You Secretly? Protect yourself – Part 1
Interesting Facts: Part 1 Don't forget to leave a comment below and let us know if you have ever experienced sonic surveillance on your phone! Protect your privacy and stay safe online with our expert tips in the next video. #smartphone #sonicsnooping #cybersecurity #privacy #datasecurity

Your smartphone may be listening to you without your knowledge.

Have you ever felt like your phone knows more about you than you do?

Cybersecurity experts have discovered that some apps on your phone secretly listen to your conversations to show you ads tailored to your interests. This is called “sonic snooping”.

A recent survey in the UK found that 45% of respondents had noticed an advertisement for a product that they had not searched for but had talked about or seen on TV.

So how is this data collected?

Some apps on your phone constantly listen for ambient noise, even when you're not using them, to gather clues about your location, activities, and interests.

Smart devices in our homes, like TVs, laptops, tablets, and other devices, send out ultrasonic waves that our smartphones and other devices pick up through their microphones. This is called multi-device ultrasound tracking.

Advertisers use this information to display advertisements of interest to you when you browse the Internet or use social networks. This information is a gold mine for them, allowing them to collect a lot of information about you without your knowledge.

So what can you do to protect yourself? Watch our next video for that.

smartphone, sonic surveillance, cybersecurity, privacy, data collection, ultrasonic multi-device tracking, online privacy, ambient noise, mobile security, personal data protection

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