Iphone X or XS with vertical lines Let me explain the reason and what to do about it

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Iphone X or XS with vertical lines Let me explain the reason and what to do about it
Iphone X or XS with vertical lines Let me explain the reason and what to do about it
Do you have an iPhone X or XS with one or more vertical green lines, even when the phone is not dropped, this is a common problem that happens to Oled screens. This is a factory defect and many people reset the phone thinking that would fix the problem, but it doesn't. The only way to repair this problem is to replace the full screen consisting of OLED and top glass. We can do this in any of our stores. Here is our website https://terepair.com/ as well as our WhatsApp https://wa.me/message/E3CNFGRDT7W2H1

We can sell any part needed, we have thousands and thousands of parts in stock.

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