Is Grammarly FINALLY in Google Docs Is Grammarly Now in Google Docs

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Is Grammarly FINALLY in Google Docs Is Grammarly Now in Google Docs
Is Grammarly FINALLY in Google Docs Is Grammarly Now in Google Docs
What's better than Grammarly and Google Docs? Google Docs grammar! Get the grammar,

It's free!!

I use Grammarly, a freemium plugin that rocks!

I check over 20,000 words a week in Grammarly and I love it!!

However, I don't proof much of what I write because it has been very tedious to go from Google Docs to Grammarly and then back to Google Docs.

But not anymore !!!

Grammarly is now in Google Docs!!

Not the full grammar…YET

You can use Grammarly's basic edition, the most important part of Google Docs and it's a game changer.

When I saw the BETA option yesterday, I was with a customer and I screamed and she said: WHAT?

I didn't say anything, just a super awesome tool I use got an upgrade.

And what an upgrade!

Don't lose your headers, your bold text, your formatting, because Grammarly is now in Google Docs.

If you're not using Grammarly yet, in fact if you're still using WORD instead of Google Docs

Upgrade and get Grammarly for free and use it in your Google Docs now.

Google Docs grammar!

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