Is this Dell Inspiron worth repairing? (Nightmare Repair) #tech #pc #technology #shorts #laptop

HomeOther ContentIs this Dell Inspiron worth repairing? (Nightmare Repair) #tech #pc #technology #shorts #laptop
Is this Dell Inspiron worth repairing? (Nightmare Repair) #tech #pc #technology #shorts #laptop
Is this Dell Inspiron worth repairing? (Nightmare Repair) #tech #pc #technology #shorts #laptop
When is a laptop not worth repairing? This 2013 Dell Inspiron finally had a hard drive failure. I recovered the data but can I recover the computer? No. Everything on this PC is broken and dirty, and since the technology is 11 years old and needs a new case, keyboard, motherboard, display and hard drive, this technology did its job faithfully and will be recycled. Will the customer's new laptop hold up as well as this one? Certainly not.

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