Is your iPhone not downloading applications? Fix App Stuck While Waiting, Updating or Loading on iPhone or iPad

HomeOther ContentIs your iPhone not downloading applications? Fix App Stuck While Waiting, Updating or Loading on iPhone or iPad
Is your iPhone not downloading applications? Fix App Stuck While Waiting, Updating or Loading on iPhone or iPad
Is your iPhone not downloading applications? Fix App Stuck While Waiting, Updating or Loading on iPhone or iPad
Guide on how to fix iPhone not downloading apps, apps stuck waiting, updating or loading on your iOS device

If apps are not downloading on iPhone or iPad, this error can be easily resolved by following our step-by-step guide. Here are some of the solutions to try to resolve this problem:

1. Connect to another Wi-FI network
2. Check if the date and time are correct
3. Log out and log back into your account
4. Force close the App Store app and reopen it
5. Delete blocked apps and try reinstalling them
6. Clear App Store Cache
7. Reset Network Settings
8. Factory reset your device

If the app you want to install is stuck waiting, we recommend following this guide to fix the issue 10/

If you are unable to connect to the App Store, we recommend reading this article here ipad/

If the App Store still doesn't work or you can't download apps from the App Store, try clearing the App Store cache -cache-on-iphone-ipad/

Another possible solution is to change the Apple ID on your device. You can watch our video guide here

To factory reset your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch, you will need to back up your data first. Read our guide here to learn how to do it easily

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