Kali security and tutorials for Gimp, Thunderbird and Libreoffice.

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Kali security and tutorials for Gimp, Thunderbird and Libreoffice.
Kali security and tutorials for Gimp, Thunderbird and Libreoffice.
This shows the installation of the powerful Security operating system.
Kali Linux is a Debian-based Linux distribution intended for advanced penetration testing and security auditing. Kali contains several hundred tools for various information security tasks, such as penetration testing, security research, forensics, and reverse engineering. Kali Linux is developed, funded and maintained by Offensive Security, a leading information security training company.

• More than 600 penetration testing tools included:

After reviewing all of the tools included in BackTrack, we eliminated a large number of tools that simply didn't work or duplicated other tools that provided the same or similar functionality. Details on what's included can be found on the Kali Tools site.

The first Kali Linux splash screen offers a Live version installation or an installation directly on the hard drive

It shows how to configure the desktop and install Libreoffice, Thunderbird and Gimp from a terminal. Next, configure and use Libreoffice, the alternative to Microsoft Office. Then the Thunderbird email client adding an email account and a tutorial on Gimp the GNU image manipulation program.

Gimp is the best image editing program you can get that also handles Photoshop files which you can edit from your Windows from the Kali desktop if you dual boot with Windows.

I hope you like this video, so don't hesitate to share it on social networks. Please comment as well as any helpful tips are appreciated. Please watch it till the end because I hope the desktop setup tutorial and Gimp tutorial will be of great help to you. Not a day goes by without me spending a few seconds on Gimp to add an image.

You must boot from the DVD or USB stick. You start with a DVD by inserting the DVD and turning it off and on again. If Windows is on, make sure it is not hibernating by turning it off while holding down the Shift key.

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