Kangaroo meat: taste, best cuts, how to prepare

Kangaroo meat: taste, best cuts, how to prepare

HomeCooking Tips, RecipesKangaroo meat: taste, best cuts, how to prepare

Italy has pizza and pasta Spain has tapas and Australia has kangaroo meat!

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Channel Avatar Andy Cooks2023-02-18 14:15:05 Thumbnail

Have you ever tried kangaroo steak?

Whenever you visit a foreign country you might want to try out the local delicacies and cuisines. And while Australia may not have many there are definitely some dishes that you shouldn’t miss!

You might be wondering if Aussies actually eat their cute national emblem. Well they do. And they love it.

Kangaroo meat is not only popular in Australia; after production of wild kangaroos the meat is exported to over 60 overseas markets. It is said that over 70% is mainly exported to Russia. Who would have thought?!