Latest news, May 29, 2024

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Latest news, May 29, 2024
Latest news, May 29, 2024
Our news is Algeria's draft resolution which will apparently be submitted to the UN Security Council.

Title 1 Algeria will propose UN action to “stop the massacres in Rafah”

The Algerian draft text uses the Security Council's strongest language: it "decides that Israel, the occupying power, will immediately end its military offensive and all other actions in Rafah (REUTERS)

Algeria on Tuesday proposed a draft UN Security Council resolution demanding a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, the release of all hostages held by Hamas and essentially ordering Israel to "immediately end its military offensive" in Rafah.

If passed, the measure would require Israel to end all fighting in the Gaza Strip. In other words, let Hamas win. We will see what the United States does since it has a veto.

Title 2 As World Court Trial Progresses, Israel May Face Stronger Orders to End War

South Africa appears set to continue its unprecedented legal blitz at the International Court of Justice; a request for intervention from the UN Security Council is also being considered

To make matters worse for Israel, it appears that South Africa will seek a more specific ruling from the international court regarding what Israel can or cannot do in Rafah. This will most likely be an order to cease and desist all fighting.

Title 3 All eyes on Rafah as IDF advances

As the IDF advances along the border and enters the built-up area of Rafah City and possibly Rafah Camp, all eyes will be on what comes next.

Meanwhile, fighting in Rafah continues and escalates.

Title 4 Fighting in Gaza will continue for at least seven more months, says Hanegbi

The fighting in Gaza will continue for at least another seven months,” National Security Agency head Tzachi Hanegbi said in an interview with Kan on Wednesday.

We know Democrats will do everything they can to prevent this from happening. They don't want this to be an election issue in November.

Title 5: Demands addressed to Netanyahu by his Likud party

Eleven members of the Likud party sent a letter on Wednesday demanding that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reach a “comprehensive agreement” for the release of the hostages without stopping the fighting in Gaza. “It is impossible to defeat Hamas without full control over border crossings and sources of energy and aid,” they wrote.

That would of course be ideal. But we'll see if it becomes a reality. Hamas is unlikely to agree.

Title 6 Heavy Hezbollah attacks damage power grid after Israel ramps up targeted killings

Northern Israel endured another difficult two days of war, as the Hezbollah terrorist group in Lebanon fired around 90 projectiles into the region since Monday morning, severely damaging the power grid and many homes in the area without causing any casualties. .

Let us not forget that heavy fighting continues in northern Israel.

Title 7 IDF shoots down 2 drones targeting Eilat in attack claimed by Iranian-backed Iraqi militia

The military says warplanes and ground-based air defense systems intercepted the projectiles, days after the Islamic Resistance in Iraq launched drones on the southern and northern city

As if Israel didn't have enough to worry about, attack drones are now being sent from Iraq. They are essentially surrounded by these different enemies controlled by Iran.


As the Bible predicts, Israel will be isolated and hated in the end time. The United States will not be their friend and some nations will end up forming a coalition and attacking Israel when they least expect it.

The stage is being set for each of these signs, and many more, to occur. See our book 25 Signs We Are Nearing the End, especially Sign 9.
In the last days, certain specified nations will invade Israel (Ezekiel 38,39). Sign 11 No superpower will intervene on behalf of Israel when they are invaded (Ezekiel 38,39): something will happen to the United States and sign 21 There will be a rise in anti-Semitism (the whole world will be against Israel ) and most It is important to note that 25 Bible believers will understand what is happening

The book can be downloaded for free from our Educatingourworld website under Bible Prophecy where we have 12 books on the subject of Bible prophecy.

When it comes to sign 25, we can actually understand what is going on if we take the time to study God's Word. Indeed, He has laid it all out before us!

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