LEGO BOOST review: The best robot kit for kids

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LEGO BOOST review: The best robot kit for kids
LEGO BOOST review: The best robot kit for kids
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Let me start this review with Alex's words: This set is simply amazing! And it really is! @LEGO BOOST combines building and programming and provides hours and hours of play and learning. When I say /"hours and hours/", I mean it took Alex a few weeks to independently build all five models in the set and complete all the programming challenges. If you think programming is an essential skill for kids to learn, you'll love the way LEGO BOOST teaches it. A free app offers a simple drag-and-drop coding interface and gradually introduces new functions such as loops, a random number generator and variables so as not to overwhelm the child. At the same time, from Alex's perspective, it wasn't just about coding but rather about bringing his #LEGO creations to life. Watch until the end to see the five models Alex built with this set: the awesome robot Vernie, the versatile Guitar4000, the AutoBuilder that builds mini LEGO robots, the Multi-Tooled Rover 4 and his favorite , the adorable cat Frankie.
#TheDadLab #codingforkids #legoboost

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