Mac Mini M1 Wireless Continuity Camera fixed in Ventura 13.3 and iOS 16.4?

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Mac Mini M1 Wireless Continuity Camera fixed in Ventura 13.3 and iOS 16.4?
Mac Mini M1 Wireless Continuity Camera fixed in Ventura 13.3 and iOS 16.4?
While I haven't been able to see any information about a continuity camera fix in Ventura 13.3 and iOS 16.4, it appears that some interaction between the two has been resolved so that systems without a built-in webcam, like the millions and million of the Mac Mini M1 and M2 silicon systems, can now use qualified iPhones as a wireless webcam without having to first connect an external webcam.

Frankly, this requirement was stupid to begin with and struck me as a gross oversight on a product line that has been as wildly successful as the silicon-based Mac Minis have been. Well, watch me show the Continuity Camera in wireless mode and fix a quirk that may occur when using the camera.

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