(Mac) Spotify won't play music QUICK FIX in 5 minutes!

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(Mac) Spotify won't play music QUICK FIX in 5 minutes!
(Mac) Spotify won't play music QUICK FIX in 5 minutes!
Ahh I see you can't listen to music on Spotify,
Let me help.

I've been scouring the web since February to find a solution. I hope this helps you.

1. In the search bar, click on /"Go/" then on /"Go to folder/"
2. Type or Copy/Paste /private/etc/hosts
3. Drag the /"Hosts/" file to your desktop, this will duplicate it
4. Open the /"Host/" file on your desktop with TextEdit
5. Use CMDF to see all Spotify host rows,
6. Add a /"#/" in front of each of these lines
7. Go to File then Save, or CMDS
8. Drag the /"Host/" file from your desktop to /private/etc/hosts
9. Verify with password
10. Restart Spotify

BOOM! This should work.

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Tags for friends:
Spotify Mac won't play music
Music not working on Spotify Mac
Spotify won't work on Mac El Capitan
Spotify not working on Mojave Mac
Spotify music stops playing
Spotify playlist is empty on Mac
Spotify Fix

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