Macbook Pro STUCK on Windows 10 [SOLVED] Read bio

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Macbook Pro STUCK on Windows 10 [SOLVED] Read bio
Macbook Pro STUCK on Windows 10 [SOLVED] Read bio
I have an Apple Macbook Pro (13/" Mid 2012). I installed Windows 10 to use some apps on it. Then I found out that there were issues with Windows 10 on Mac. I can't not to connect multiple displays and it doesn't play my speaker so I want to go back to Mac OS but I don't know how. find it on the internet but I just hope you can help me, I would appreciate it.


/"my goodness I just had the same problem today. Here's what you need to do. reboot then hold command option and r. This will bring up a picture of a then put wifi on and all the remains, at the moment the latest update is great Reinstallation is one of the possible options But this process is long and worth it./"

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