Mail app disappeared from iPhone? How to find and restore it (2022)

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Mail app disappeared from iPhone? How to find and restore it (2022)
Mail app disappeared from iPhone? How to find and restore it (2022)
Your Mail application is not displayed on iPhone? If your Mail icon is missing from your iPhone, here's how to get it back!

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Many people have asked, "How do I recover my emails on my iPhone?" / » Whether you accidentally deleted the Mail app on your iPhone, moved the app, or are having trouble finding the All Inboxes folder in your Mail app, we can help! Let's see how to recover the Mail app on your iPhone.

Why is my mail icon missing on iPhone?

Your Mail app is missing for one of two reasons: you deleted the app from your Home screen or you accidentally deleted the app. In both cases, the solution is quite simple. If your iPhone Mail app icon has disappeared from your Home screen, you should first check the App Library on your iPhone. If you see your Mail app in the App Library, you can simply move it to your Home screen.

If you haven't seen the Mail app in the App Library, don't worry. You're not the only iOS user who's reported missing their iPhone's Mail icon (or missing another built-in app). If your Mail app suddenly disappeared, it's likely that you turned on the Home screen edit feature and accidentally deleted the Mail app. In the sections below, we'll explain how to recover the Mail app on your iPhone and re-enable email accounts synced with your Mail app. This way it will appear exactly as before.

How to reinstall the Mail app on iPhone

If you accidentally deleted the native Apple Mail app, here's how to restore the Mail app on your iPhone.

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