Managing approach anxiety for effective cold calling

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Managing approach anxiety for effective cold calling
Managing approach anxiety for effective cold calling
Regardless of your skills, knowledge, and years of experience, chances are you sometimes dread cold calling. If effective cold calling is pretty simple from an energy investment perspective – pick up the phone, dial a number and run a script, why might we dread doing it so much? The answer to this question goes back to a concept called approach anxiety.

Approach anxiety is the feeling people have when they consider approaching someone they don't know. This can happen in a number of different scenarios, but the most common would be a man who wants to talk to a woman he doesn't know. In this scenario, this man may feel fear and a sinking feeling in his stomach before approaching the woman. In many cases, this feeling can be so intense that it prevents him from approaching the person he is interested in. The interesting thing about approach anxiety is that the anxiety can be very intense, but the worst outcome that can occur is the complete rejection of a feeling. a stranger we will never see again. More information at

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