Metasploit for beginners and experts core modules, exploits and payloads

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Metasploit for beginners and experts core modules, exploits and payloads
Metasploit for beginners and experts core modules, exploits and payloads
Metasploit for beginners to experts – The basic modules, exploits and payloads
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Metasploit for beginners and experts core modules, exploits and payloads
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Hey HackerSploit guys here, back with another video. In this video we will begin the complete Metasploit course, which will take you from beginner to expert with Metasploit.
The Metasploit project is an IT security project that provides information on security vulnerabilities and facilitates penetration testing and the development of IDS signatures.

What is the Metasploit framework and how is it used?
The Metasploit framework is a very powerful tool that can be used by cybercriminals as well as ethical hackers to probe systematic vulnerabilities in networks and servers. Since it is an open source framework, it can be easily customized and used with most operating systems.

With Metasploit, the penetration testing team can take off-the-shelf or custom code and introduce it into a network to detect weak spots. Another type of threat hunting: once vulnerabilities are identified and documented, the information can be used to address systemic weaknesses and prioritize solutions.

A Brief History of Metasploit
The Metasploit project was undertaken in 2003 by HD Moore for use as a portable Perl-based networking tool, with the assistance of lead developer Matt Miller. It was fully converted to Ruby in 2007 and licensed by Rapid7 in 2009, where it remains part of the Boston-based company's repertoire of IDS signature development and targeted remote exploitation tools , fuzzing, anti-forensics and evasion.

Parts of these other tools reside in the Metasploit framework, which is integrated into the Kali Linux operating system. Rapid7 has also developed two proprietary OpenCore tools, Metasploit Pro and Metasploit Express.

This framework has become the go-to tool for exploit development and mitigation. Before Metasploit, penetration testers had to perform all probes manually using a variety of tools that may or may not support the platform they were testing, writing their own code by hand and introducing it manually on the networks. Remote testing was virtually unheard of, limiting the scope of a security specialist locally, and companies were spending a fortune on internal IT or security consultants.

Who uses Metasploit?
Due to its wide range of applications and open source availability, Metasploit is used by everyone from the evolving field of DevSecOps professionals to hackers. It is useful to anyone who needs a reliable, easy-to-install tool that gets the job done regardless of the platform or language used. The software is popular with hackers and widely available, reinforcing the need for security professionals to become familiar with the framework even if they don't use it.

Metasploit now includes over 1,677 exploits organized across 25 platforms, including Android, PHP, Python, Java, Cisco, and more. The framework also carries nearly 500 payloads, some of which include:

This video is made available for educational and informational purposes only. We believe that everyone should be aware of ethical hacking and cybersecurity to avoid different types of cyber attacks on computers, websites, applications, etc. Please consider the word hacking as ethical hacking whenever we use it.
All of our videos were made using our own systems, servers, routers and websites. It does not contain any illegal activities. Our only goal is to raise awareness about cybersecurity and help our viewers learn how to defend themselves against any hacking activity. Cyber Technical Knowledge is not responsible for any misuse of the information provided.

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