Microsoft Edge – Beginners Tutorial – How to use Windows 10 browser settings and app new features

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Microsoft Edge - Beginners Tutorial - How to use Windows 10 browser settings and app new features
Microsoft Edge – Beginners Tutorial – How to use Windows 10 browser settings and app new features
This Microsoft Edge tutorial covers the main buttons and tabs offered when Microsoft replaces Internet Explorer. I discuss the changes made by Microsoft to this Internet browser and show the interface and basics of the Edge browser.

Here is a complete list of tutorial videos available on my channel:

Windows 10:
Perform basic operations with the mouse
Create folders
Explore the Windows 10 Desktop, Taskbar, and Start Menu
Select multiple files and folders
Download a file from a website
Use File Explorer to access OneDrive and download student data files
Capture an image of the entire screen
Explore the Control Panel and Settings app
Personalize the desktop
Change screen brightness and resolution
Explore the Control Panel and Settings app
Personalize the desktop
Adjust the sound
Plan the organization of files and folders
Run an application

Word 2016:
Create a new document and insert text
Insert and format charts
Insert and edit text boxes
Create a table
Format a table
Present a Word document online
Create a research paper in MLA format
Insert footnotes in a research paper
Create citations and a bibliography
Save a document
Correct errors as you type
How to format a document in APA format
Convert Word document to PDF file
Microsoft Office Specialist Certification Exam Practice Study Guide
APA format from default formatting
Table of Contents Tutorial
Format paragraphs
Create a custom Word template
Preview and print a document
Change document and paragraph layout
Use autocomplete and autocorrect
Correct and rearrange text
Tutorial on headers and footers
Page Numbers Tutorial
Captions in Word
Check document titles in the navigation pane
Rearrange document text using the Navigation Pane
Collapse and expand body text in a document
Use continuous section breaks for layout
Insert page numbers from a specific page
Format text
Undo and redo commands or actions
Edit a style

Excel 2016:
Create, save and browse an Excel workbook
Enter data into a spreadsheet
How to export access to Excel and apply conditional formatting
Use Flash Fill, SUM, Average, Median, and MAX functions and formulas
Move data and rotate text
Graph data with a pie chart
Format a pie chart
MOS Prep – Basic Certification Exam Practical Study Guide
Change fonts, font style and font color
The NOW function
Export an Excel spreadsheet to an Access table
The VSearch function
The MIN or MINIMUM function
Histogram charts
Use the Sum button to add a range of cells
Enter formulas using the keyboard
Format cells with merge and center, cell styles and themes
Chart data to create a histogram and insert sparklines
Select cells and ranges
Use the CountIF and IF functions and apply conditional formatting
Use date and time functions and freeze panes
Use Goal Search to perform what-if analysis
Add fill colors and a background image
Insert functions from the formula library
Use the PMT function to calculate a loan payment
Describe the Excel spreadsheet
Enter formulas using Point mode

Access 2016:
Identifying Good Database Design
Create a table and define fields in an empty desktop database
The primary key
Import an Excel spreadsheet into Access
Create a table in Design view
Modify the structure of a table
Create a subform
MOS Prep – Basic Certification Exam Practical Study Guide
Add existing fields to a form
Create a query, form and report
How to use the property sheet
Open and save an existing database
Create relationships between tables
Learn basic database concepts and terms
Create and use a form to add and delete records
Learn guidelines for designing databases and setting field properties
Find, modify and delete records in a table
Create a form using the Form Wizard

PowerPoint 2016:
Create a new presentation
Edit a presentation in normal view
Add images to a presentation
Format numbered and bulleted lists
Customize slide backgrounds and themes
Animate a slideshow
Apply a theme used in another presentation
Find and download a theme online
Microsoft Office Specialist Exam Certification
Print and view a presentation
Lighten background images in Microsoft Office
Edit an existing presentation
Insert images online
Create a title slide and slides with lists
Select and edit a theme and document variation
Insert and format images
Insert shapes
Insert a video

Outlook 2016
Basic tutorial

Office 2016:
Identify the components of the Microsoft Office Ribbon

Computer fundamentals:
Computer Case Types – Dell Inspiron AMD 3656
Printer ports and types
The startup process
How to get answers to your IT questions
Undo your errors on Windows 10 or Apple Mac
Routers and modems
What is the Cloud? Storage as a Service
Types of Internet Services on Google Android or Apple iPhone
Web browsing
Why use the Cloud?
Microsoft OneDrive – Create Upload, Upload and Sync
Explain the importance of file management
Troubleshoot common computer problems

Microsoft Publisher 2016 Complete Reading List

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