Most Popular Operating Systems (Desktop and Laptop) 1978 – 2023

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Most Popular Operating Systems (Desktop and Laptop) 1978 – 2023
Most Popular Operating Systems (Desktop and Laptop) 1978 – 2023
Embark on a fascinating journey: the evolution of operating systems (1978 – 2023) ️

Prepare to be captivated by a remarkable journey through the annals of computing history: the evolution of operating systems for desktop and portable platforms! Join us as we span the decades and delve into the rise and fall of iconic systems that have profoundly shaped the world of computing.

Our expedition begins with a tribute to the pioneers. Explore the origins of CP/M, the pioneering "control program for microcomputers" designed by Gary Kildall in the mid-1970s. Learn how this first operating system laid the foundation for the dawn of personal computing .

Travel further back in time to the late 1970s and early 1980s, where the stage was set for TRSDOS to shine. Learn how this operating system orchestrated the Tandy/RadioShack TRS-80 microcomputer symphony. Marvel at the impact of Commodore BASIC, a foundational programming language interpreter that sculpted the landscape of early Commodore machines.

Move into the realm of Apple DOS, a sleek interface that lets users manage files and run programs effortlessly on the Apple II series. Venture into the Atari DOS era, where efficient disk management and file access capabilities became the standard for Atari 8-bit computers.

Learn about the rise of MS-DOS, an era-defining Microsoft disk operating system that took center stage in the 1980s and early 1990s. Observe its counterpart, IBM PC DOS, contributing to the rise of IBM's personal computing field.

As we move through the late 1980s and early 1990s, the collaborative wonder of OS/2 emerges – a symbiotic creation of IBM and Microsoft, poised to redefine the personal computing experience. Meanwhile, pay homage to the Commodore 64, a beloved personal computer that has etched itself into the hearts of countless enthusiasts.

Transition to the sleek, intuitive world of macOS, where seamless integration and user-friendly interfaces reign supreme across the entire Macintosh lineup. Immerse yourself in the enchanting realm of AmigaOS, famous for its innovative multitasking features and advanced multimedia capabilities.

Enter the Atari ST domain, where Atari TOS reigns, adorning computers with a captivating graphical user interface and multitasking prowess. Enter the era of Windows 95, a revolutionary release that introduced the iconic Start menu and taskbar, forever transforming user interaction.

Witness the progression as Windows 98 comes onto the scene, showing off improved multimedia prowess and improved USB support. Discover the robustness of Windows NT, designed for demanding professional users. Discover the elegance of Windows 2000 and enjoy the enduring popularity of Windows XP, known for its user-centric interface.

Transitioning to the open source domain with Linux, a versatile kernel providing the basis for a diverse range of distributions, giving users unprecedented choices. Meet ChromeOS, a visionary version of the operating system designed for lightweight, web-centric devices.

Fast forward to the modern era, where Windows 10 emerges as a unifying force, harmonizing devices with a seamless interface and regular feature updates. Take a peek into the future with Windows 11, an incarnation featuring a redesigned interface, enriched gaming capabilities, and masterful multitasking features.

Our meticulously crafted bar racing video unveils the dynamic journey of these operating systems, painting a vivid portrait of their indelible impact on technology and society. Tune in to YouTube for a thrilling exploration of the past, the present, and the endless possibilities that lie ahead.

00:00 Until the late 1980s, CP/M and TRSDOS were the most widely used operating systems
00:18 From 1981 to 1983, the Atari DOS operating system was the most popular
00:30 In 1983, the Commodore 64 won first place for 4 years
00:49 Since 1987, MS-DOS has been the most widely used computer operating system for 10 years
01:41 Windows 95 won first place in 1997
01:59 From 2001 to 2003, Windows 98 was the most popular computer operating system
02:10 In 2003, Windows XP quickly captured a significant share of the computer operating system market
02:54 In 2012, Windows 7 replaced Windows XP on the market
03:23 From 2018 to present, Windows 10 holds the largest share of the computer operating system market
03:50 END

Popularity is defined by the market share usage of operating system platforms on desktops and laptops.

Data source: W3S log files, Ars Technica, StatCounter, NetMarketShare, ZDNet, CNET.

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