Mute (mute) for browser tabs: Edge, Firefox, Opera (Mute tab) vs Chrome (mute site)

HomeOther ContentMute (mute) for browser tabs: Edge, Firefox, Opera (Mute tab) vs Chrome (mute site)
Mute (mute) for browser tabs: Edge, Firefox, Opera (Mute tab) vs Chrome (mute site)
Mute (mute) for browser tabs: Edge, Firefox, Opera (Mute tab) vs Chrome (mute site)
This is a short video that demonstrates how to mute/unmute audio on a single tab in your web browser window.

It's easy:
Move your mouse over the tab
Right mouse click
A pop-up window appears and select /"Mute Tab/" or /"Mute Site/"

That's it that's all.
For Chrome… for some reason it shows Mute Site. I think you would just want /"Mute Tab/" like every other browser… but who knows why Chrome is different?

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