My Honest Bitwarden 2024 Review How Good Is It Really?

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My Honest Bitwarden 2024 Review How Good Is It Really?
My Honest Bitwarden 2024 Review How Good Is It Really?
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Bitwarden is a popular choice that offers a free version. However, can we really trust him? To answer this question, I have an honest Bitwarden review for you.


Ease of use

The interface is a bit basic, you get a list of your saved items and a space on the side where they open. The sidebar allows you to browse different types of saved data, as well as choose between folders. What I would like here is a more intuitive approach. Overall, Bitwarden's apps are very minimalistic, but that doesn't make them easy to use, so there's plenty of room for improvement.

NordPass – alternative with a better app ️


Bitwarden Features

Bitwarden is pretty minimalist, so there aren't really a lot of extra features. Besides standard features like password generator, autofill, and password sharing, there is a Send feature, which is sort of an enhanced sharing feature. It's great to see that BITWARDEN already has access keys, which support password-free logins to your vaults. If you opt for a premium plan, you'll have a variety of built-in password monitoring tools. It includes password reuse, password strength, insecure websites, and breached database reporting. But that's about all.



If you compare Bitwarden to other password managers, you start to see some flaws. Research by a data and intelligence company called FlashPoint revealed an issue with Bitwarden's autofill feature in embedded iframes, which can cause password theft in specific scenarios. But keeping in mind that Bitwarden has never been hacked, the answer to the question “Is Bitwarden safe?” is yes, even despite its autofill issues.


Is Bitwarden worth it?

If you are limited to choose from FREE password management options, Bitwarden is not a bad option at all. It has unlimited password and device entries. However, you don't get any extras, or an Authenticator app either.

For a complete package, you will need to get the premium version. While there isn't much, given that Bitwarden is one of the more affordable managers, I'd say you get what you pay for. Now if we compare it to market leaders like Nordpass or 1Password, these are more expensive, but next to modern interfaces they also have a lot more features to offer.


Final thoughts ️

So… Overall, is Bitwarden good? Well, if you need a truly affordable or completely free option, this is it. I'm also a fan of its browser extension. But if you need more than that, or if you're not too sure about this password manager due to its reputation for fixing potential security holes, I recommend providers such as NordPass or 1Password.


00:00 Introduction
0:15 Is Bitwarden easy to use?
1:20 Overview of basic Bitwarden features
2:11 What extras can Bitwarden offer?
4:05 Is Bitwarden safe?
4:48 Is Bitwarden worth it?
5:30 p.m. The final verdict: can I recommend Bitwarden?

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