N-sight Release Notes: Automated Tasks, Apple Business Manager, Resource Center and More!

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N-sight Release Notes: Automated Tasks, Apple Business Manager, Resource Center and More!
N-sight Release Notes: Automated Tasks, Apple Business Manager, Resource Center and More!

We are happy to announce that we have released several feature enhancements in N-sight, with improvements to automated tasks and antivirus checking, better operating system management for Apple devices, a brand new resource center with better highlighting of new features and upcoming events. like bootcamps, and more.

· Improvements to checking for antivirus updates:
It is now possible to select "Microsoft Security Center" when checking for antivirus updates for Windows desktops. The new check option can be used to monitor any third-party antivirus product installed on Windows desktops.

This means that Antivirus Update Checking can now be used to monitor any installed antivirus solution, eliminating the need for ongoing reactive updates of the check when vendors update their endpoint solutions. This makes the control much more reliable and complete.

To take advantage of this improvement, change the antivirus update check and select "Microsoft Security Center", which now appears at the top of the list.

Note that this option is only available for Windows desktops and not Windows servers. Indeed, Microsoft does not offer Security Center functionality with its server operating systems. We are investigating alternative options to see if we can also offer the same improvement for servers.

· Automated tasks now run in near real time:
We are very happy to announce that when you now run automated tasks on demand, you can see the script output in near real time, usually within about 20 seconds, depending on the script execution time himself.

This means you have a much faster and more efficient QA cycle when testing new scripts, and you can much more quickly confirm that a script has done its job when resolving customer issues and any other task related to automation.

Note that if live connection to the endpoint is not available at this point, it will use a 5 minute recording cycle. This is still much faster than the previous process, which relied on the 24/7 monitoring cycle and often took 30 minutes or more to display results.

· Improved time zone management for scheduled reboots:
To help remove any ambiguity when scheduling an upcoming reboot on one or more devices, you will now see the UTC offset of the devices in the reboot confirmation dialog. It helps identify devices that may be behind or ahead of the selected date, so you can adjust the selection and apply a modified and appropriate schedule to devices in different time zones.

· Improved usability of crash history
In addition to the above, we have also implemented a small but useful UI improvement: the "Start Date" and "End Date" columns of the "Crash History" tab in the "Crash History" dialog box. More information” of a check are now a little wider, and therefore no longer cuts the timestamp. This means you don't need to manually expand the columns each time to see the temporal information. Sometimes it's the little touches that count!

· Easier access to Cove data protection
In the coming days, you'll see an update to the N-sight platform bar to make switching from N-sight to Cove a little easier, with the introduction of a new Cove icon.

It works similarly to Take Control and MSP Manager's "quick links", and there is a setting in User Roles and Permissions that allows you to enable or disable the option for particular users.

Go to Settings/Users/Roles & Permissions to make settings. By default, “client” and “standard” users will not see the new Cove icon.

N-sight MSP Manager
· Associate assets with contacts:
N-sight's ticketing and billing solution now supports the ability to associate assets with contacts. With this feature, technicians will find it much easier to locate asset details for tickets generated by an end user. You can select multiple assets to associate with a contact and optionally mark one as the default active. When a contact submits a ticket request, the default asset is automatically selected on their ticket, reducing the time it takes to locate their asset information.

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