Northwestern's Center for HCIDesign: thought leaders in AI and education

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Northwestern's Center for HCIDesign: thought leaders in AI and education
Northwestern's Center for HCIDesign: thought leaders in AI and education
Artificial intelligence (Al) is increasingly integrated into our activities.
technology ecosystem, but public understanding of Al is limited. Education
initiatives are needed to help people make informed decisions about their
personal use of technology, AI policy decisions and the role AI should play
play in their schools and workplaces. Furthermore, widespread literacy has
the potential to equip audiences with the skills to collaborate and create
with rapidly evolving Al technologies. Join the Northwestern Center to
Human-computer interaction design for engaging conversation on
promote public literacy in Al through initiatives such as the integration of Al in nursery schools and
12 education, designing new and creative Al learning experiences, and
involve adults in learning and decision-making regarding Al in their
communities. This panel explores best practices for designing Al learning
experiences, how to ensure that access to education at Al is inclusive and equitable,
and what Al education might look like in different populations. Each
present speaker followed by a panel discussion moderated by Northwestern Assistant Professor Duri Long.

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