Picture in picture on iPhone…

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Picture in picture on iPhone…
Picture in picture

Picture-in-picture is a feature of some television receivers and similar devices. A program is displayed on the full screen of the television at the same time as one or more other programs are displayed in recessed windows. The sound usually comes only from the main program.

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With iOS 13, Apple added a Picture-in-Picture mode to the iPad, and with iOS 14, this Picture-in-Picture feature is also available for the iPhone, allowing users to do things like watch videos and take FaceTime calls while doing other things on their device. .

Using Picture-in-Picture with Apps
Picture in Picture works with apps that play video content, but when it comes to third-party apps, app developers need to implement support for this feature.

In a compatible app, which includes Apple apps such as Apple TV, you can tap the Picture-in-Picture icon available at the top of the app to enable Picture-in-Picture mode, double-tap the video with two fingers or swipe up from the bottom of the ‌iPhone‌ screen to activate Picture-in-Picture mode.

Picture-in-picture mode controls for apps that play TV and movie content include play/pause and an option to press to fast forward 15 seconds and rewind 15 seconds.

Apple apps that work with Picture in Picture include anything that has a video feed, like Apple TV or video footage from HomeKit-enabled cameras in the Home app.
Picture in picture YouTube
Unfortunately, YouTube has not yet implemented Picture in Picture support, so the YouTube app does not work with this feature. There are doubts whether YouTube will ever support this feature, but YouTube has tested it on the ‌iPad‌. Fortunately, there is a workaround for now: using YouTube on the web.
How to use iOS 14 Picture in Picture with YouTube

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