Please wait while your Windows files and settings are restored. System Restore is initializing.

HomeOther ContentPlease wait while your Windows files and settings are restored. System Restore is initializing.
Please wait while your Windows files and settings are restored. System Restore is initializing.
Please wait while your Windows files and settings are restored. System Restore is initializing.
Please wait while your Windows files and settings are restored. System Restore is initializing.

Please don't panic.

System Restore is a Windows feature used to restore the computer state (system files, Windows registry, settings, installed applications) to an earlier point in case of malfunctions or other problems.

Various issues may be encountered during the system restore process; One of the most common problems is the task freezing even when you try to interrupt it.

How long does system restore take on Windows 10/7/8? Usually the operation completes in 20-45 minutes depending on the size of the system, but certainly not in a few hours.

If you are running Windows 10 and start System Restore in System Protection, you may get stuck on the following screen saying:

/"Please wait while your Windows files and settings are restored

System Restore is initializing/".

Except Windows 10 System Restore stuck during initialization, some users may encounter another similar problem – /"System Restore restores registry/

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