Power bi with google sheet

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Power bi with google sheet
Power bi with google sheet
To connect a Google Sheets spreadsheet to Power BI, you can follow these general steps:

1. Open your Google Sheets spreadsheet and make sure it contains the data you want to analyze in Power BI.
2. In Power BI, click /"Get Data/" on the Home tab and select /"Web/" from the list of available data sources.
3. In the /"From Web/" window, enter the URL of your Google Sheets spreadsheet and click OK.
4. In the /"Browser/" window, select the worksheet or range containing the data you want to use in Power BI and click /"Load/".
5. Power BI will load the data from your Google Sheets spreadsheet and you can start creating visualizations and reports with it.

Note that you may need to authenticate your Google account to access your Google Sheets data in Power BI. You can do this by clicking the /"Change credentials/" button in the /"Browser/" window and entering your Google account information.

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