Prepare to configure the window Do not turn off your computer How to resolve the problem Prepare to configure the window

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Prepare to configure the window Do not turn off your computer How to resolve the problem Prepare to configure the window
Prepare to configure the window Do not turn off your computer How to resolve the problem Prepare to configure the window
Hello, if your laptop or Windows says "preparing to configure Windows, do not turn off your computer/" on your Windows 7/8/10/11 and you are unable to prepare to configure Windows, please do not Do not turn off your computer Windows. Watch this video to learn how to troubleshoot Windows setup preparation, don't turn off your computer. If you see that it says you are preparing to set up Windows, do not turn off your computer. even if you think you are stuck, you must watch this video to find out the solution. This video also covers "Computer stuck while preparing to setup Windows 11"

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