Preventing MISCARRIAGE in early pregnancy / Risk of abortion in the first trimester – Dr HS ChandrikaDoctors' Circle

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Preventing MISCARRIAGE in early pregnancy / Risk of abortion in the first trimester - Dr HS ChandrikaDoctors' Circle
Preventing MISCARRIAGE in early pregnancy / Risk of abortion in the first trimester – Dr HS ChandrikaDoctors' Circle
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Dr HS Chandrika Phone: 919880003953 (Online and in-person appointments can be booked online or through call) Consultant Obstetrician and Gynecologist Chirag Global Hospital, JP Nagar Phase 2, Bangalore, India Registration Number 21194 Karnataka Medical Council, 1982
Abortions or miscarriages early in pregnancy. Early pregnancy is the time when we will lose the pregnancy due to various reasons. So this is the time when we should always be careful. You see, there may be known factors due to which abortion will occur. The most common thing we have to expect is when we tell patients that if there is a physical problem with the fetus, there is a problem and it is not capable of living. This is the moment when nature tries to abort it and this is how a miscarriage occurs in early pregnancy, a cause for which the person cannot do anything. Because she can't stop it. Because he already has a physical problem and he can't survive. So nature tries by aborting this particular pregnancy but there are also other causes which can cure miscarriages. See when you try to force yourself too much at that time, there may be causes that forcefully open the mouth of the uterus and you might abort the fetus that way. So in the early stages of pregnancy, we try to tell people to avoid unnecessary travel and difficult travel. You must always be careful, because there is something in my system that I must protect and that must be your concept. So in early pregnancy we should always pay attention to protect your pregnancy because pregnancy abortions are common in early pregnancy and this is how you can avoid miscarriages.

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