Push to Kindle on iPad and iPhone: Send web articles to your Kindle

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Push to Kindle on iPad and iPhone: Send web articles to your Kindle
Push to Kindle on iPad and iPhone: Send web articles to your Kindle
Push to Kindle allows you to push web articles (news, blog posts, Wikipedia entries, etc.) to your Kindle.

This video shows how to use our messaging service from your iPad or iPhone. For more information and pricing, please visit http://fivefilters.org/kindle-it/#email


First use :
1. Load a web article in your iPad or iPhone browser
2. Share by Mail: Enter your Kindle's email address, but replace @kindle.com with @pushtokindle.com
3. You will receive a verification email – read and follow the instructions inside
4. You will receive another email with a vCard attached. Click to add it to your contact list.
5. Search for the article on Kindle (this may take a few minutes to arrive).

Further use:
1. Load a web article in your iPad or iPhone browser
2. Share by Mail: This time you can start writing “kindle” and your Push to Kindle address should appear as a suggestion (if you added the vCard earlier).
3. Search for the article on Kindle (this may take a few minutes to arrive).

If you have an Android device, it's easiest to use our Push to Kindle app from Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?idorg.fivefilters.kindleit

If you have a Kindle Fire, Push to Kindle is available on the Amazon App Store: http://www.amazon.com/FiveFilters-org-Push-to-Kindle/dp/B005GFM0H0

The service is free and can be used on desktop and laptop browsers. Our free extensions are available at http://fivefilters.org/kindle-it/

Music: Frozen by Kevin MacLeod

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