Raspberry Pi LESSON 1: First start and configure desktop, panel, menu and preferences

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Raspberry Pi LESSON 1: First start and configure desktop, panel, menu and preferences
Raspberry Pi LESSON 1: First start and configure desktop, panel, menu and preferences
Announcing the most awesome Raspberry Pi lessons ever! This time, we RUMBLE!

In this lesson I'll walk you through booting up your pi for the first time and then show you how to improve the appearance of the desktop.

In this lesson series we will use the best Sunfounder Ultimate Raspberry Pi kit, available here: (Affiliate link)
or for our British friends, https://amzn.to/3I5d401

You guys, order your materials so you can follow along at home!

You will also need a Raspberry Pi. I suggest the Raspberry Pi 4. If you don't already have one, here is the most suitable hardware that I could find:


Raspberry Pis are pretty expensive right now, so you might want to look on eBay or elsewhere to see if there are any deals. You will need an SD card. If you don't already have one, this one is a good thing:


I like to use a wireless keyboard and mouse to have fewer wires. You can certainly use your USB keyboard and mouse, but if you want a nice wireless one, this one works on the pi.


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