Recovering Broken Android via Computer Mouse

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Recovering Broken Android via Computer Mouse
Recovering Broken Android via Computer Mouse
This little video is for anyone who is in the same situation as me and can't recover photos and such from their phone because the screen is too cracked to use (and can't use a laptop because you must allow data transfer to your phone). The phone I broke was a Moto X Pure. It's a very good phone but once the screen is broken, there's almost no going back. I can't guarantee this will work for any other phone. However, it would surprise me if it didn't work for most androids.

So what I used was a USB OTG cable (2 from Amazon), so a cable that connects to your phone and a USB jack, and a regular computer mouse that connects via USB not Bluetooth (because you need a functional screen for this to work). So you plug the cable into your phone and the mouse onto the cable and you are ready to go!! I hope this will be useful to someone.

For those waiting for an animal video, I'm sorry. I don't have any pets at the moment so we'll have to wait a bit.

Please take the opportunity to connect and share this video with your friends and family if you find it useful.

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