Replace macOS! Install Linux on an Intel Mac – How to

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Replace macOS! Install Linux on an Intel Mac – How to
Replace macOS! Install Linux on an Intel Mac – How to
In an age where the importance of sustainability and resource conservation is increasing, repurposing old electronic gadgets is a pragmatic approach to extending the functionality of these devices. This video explores the reasons for installing Linux on an older Intel-based Mac, highlighting the benefits of this choice, encompassing its positive environmental implications and practical utility.

Literary recommendations for continuing education

Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Desktop: Applications and administration (English edition):

Ubuntu 22.04 LTS server: administration and reference (English edition):

Linux Mint 21: Desktops and Administration (English Edition):

Arch Linux: Quick Guide for Beginners (Linux for Beginners, Book 2) (English Edition):

Linux Bible:

Effective Command Line Linux: Improve Your Command Line Skills:

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