Reset Local Group Policy settings

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Reset Local Group Policy settings
Reset Local Group Policy settings
What is Group Policy and why is it important? Group Policy is a Windows Pro, Ultimate, and Enterprise feature that allows users to control a number of settings on a computer. Group Policy is used a lot in domain environments. These settings can be user, computer, or a combination of both. But incorrectly configuring certain Group Policy Object (GPO) settings can cause various problems or even prevent you from accessing your computer. In Windows 10 and Server 2019, you can configure over 5,000 settings. This video walks you through the process of resetting your Group Policy to Windows default settings.

gpresult /h %USERPROFILE%//Desktop//GP-Report.html
for %1 in (%windir%//system32//*.dll) do regsvr32.exe /s %1
RD /S /Q /"%WinDir%//System32//GroupPolicyUsers/"
RD /S /Q /"%WinDir%//System32//GroupPolicy/"

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