Restore Ribbon-Style File Explorer Menus from Windows 10 to Windows 11

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Restore Ribbon-Style File Explorer Menus from Windows 10 to Windows 11
Restore Ribbon-Style File Explorer Menus from Windows 10 to Windows 11
If you were a fan of the ribbon-style File Explorer menu in Windows 10 and want to use this style menu for Windows 11, it's very easy to do in just a few steps. And if you don't like it or change your mind, it's very easy to go back to the newer-style File Explorer menu.

Here are the video notes.

Open regedit and navigate to


Right-click on the CLSID key and select New – Key and name it {d93ed569-3b3e-4bff-8355-3c44f6a52bb5}

Then right-click on this new key and choose New – Key again

Name this new key InprocServer32

————————————————– ————————–

You can also run

reg add "HKCU//Software//Classes//CLSID//{d93ed569-3b3e-4bff-8355-3c44f6a52bb5}//InprocServer32" /f

from the administrator command prompt

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