Samsung Galaxy Fold 4 warranty claim denied: my experience

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Samsung Galaxy Fold 4 warranty claim denied: my experience
Samsung Galaxy Fold 4 warranty claim denied: my experience
What happened?

I recently encountered a frustrating situation with my Samsung Galaxy Fold 4. The middle part of the internal screen suddenly cracked, leaving a large black line. To make matters worse, the touch functionality stopped working.

Warranty claim rejected

I quickly took my phone to a Samsung repair shop. However, Samsung rejected my warranty claim, citing "mechanical damage." And they asked for around 600 euros to repair it!

Content of this video
0h00 – Introduction and summary
0:26 – How I normally use the phone
1:34- How the damage happened
2:30 p.m.- Demonstration of similar damage on a plastic part
6:13 a.m. – After visiting the Samsung repair shop
7:00 – Engineering concepts that were not followed during design (reliability and maintainability)
8:00 a.m. – How to replace the interior screen (no demonstration)

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