Sarah's clock automatically switches from daylight saving time to standard time

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Sarah's clock automatically switches from daylight saving time to standard time
Sarah's clock automatically switches from daylight saving time to standard time
In our (mostly) off-grid solar home we have a battery powered analogue clock which is in contact with the National Time Service via radio. In addition to keeping pretty good time, it also automatically switches between Daylight Saving Time and Standard Time. Usually this happens behind a veil of secrecy, shrouded in darkness. But last night I caught it on video. I was particularly pleased that he moved forward rather than backward. This video is made in real time (not time-lapse). The action begins around 02:12 video time. Since it starts at 02:00:00 (daylight saving time) and ends around 01:02:40 (standard time), we know that the clock needed about 2 1/2 minutes of elapsed time to make the adjustment.

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