Scott Forstall, CHM Live Original iPhone Software Team Lead (Part Two)

HomeOther ContentScott Forstall, CHM Live Original iPhone Software Team Lead (Part Two)
Scott Forstall, CHM Live Original iPhone Software Team Lead (Part Two)
Scott Forstall, CHM Live Original iPhone Software Team Lead (Part Two)
[Recorded June 20, 2017]

This is part two of two of CHM Live's "Putting the Finger On: Creating the iPhone."

Watch Part 1 – Original iPhone Engineers Nitin Ganatra, Scott Herz and Hugo Fiennes:
Watch the full show—

In 2006, the year before the iPhone was introduced, it seemed that innovation in mobile devices was starting to move away from Silicon Valley. Wireless computing was advancing more quickly in Europe than in the United States. That all changed abruptly when Steve Jobs took the stage at the Moscone Center in San Francisco and claimed he was introducing "three revolutionary products" in one package: the iPhone.

How was the iPhone born? On June 20, four members of the original development team will join historian and journalist John Markoff to discuss Apple's secret project, which over the past decade has reshaped the computer industry, changed the business landscape and became a tool in the hands of more people. more than a billion people around the world.

Batch number: X8247.2017
Catalog number: 102738283

Computer History Museum

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