Send an email automatically with this quick tip

HomeOther ContentSend an email automatically with this quick tip
Send an email automatically with this quick tip
Send an email automatically with this quick tip
Send an email automatically with this quick tip.

Follow the simple steps in this Microsoft Outlook tutorial that will also work for Windows 10 and Windows 11 and improve your tech know-how and learn how to use Powershell with this tech educational video and learn the best way to send an email automatically.

If you want more information about Microsoft, I highly recommend the @Microsoft channel

#Outlook tutorial #microsoftoutlook #usemybox

Script used in the video:

Outlook New Object -ComObject Outlook.Application
Outlook Mail.CreateItem(0)
Mail.To /"[protected email]/"
Mail.Subject /"Timesheet/"
Mail.Body /"Please submit timesheets on Friday/"

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(this video is about: send email automatically, send email, send email in outlook, send email automatically, send email using task scheduler, tips and tricks Outlook, how to send an email, send an email script, how to send an email using a script, how to automatically send an email, send an email, send an e -Outlook email, how to send an email automatically, Windows 10, Microsoft, Microsoft Outlook, Outlook tutorial, use my mailbox)

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