Sharing tab is missing in network properties, no ICS can share my WiFi internet connection via cable.

HomeOther ContentSharing tab is missing in network properties, no ICS can share my WiFi internet connection via cable.
Sharing tab is missing in network properties, no ICS can share my WiFi internet connection via cable.
Sharing tab is missing in network properties, no ICS can share my WiFi internet connection via cable.
In this video I will show you how to fix if your sharing tab in network properties is missing
This issue occurs when you have free Wi-Fi and share the connection between 2 or more computers via a cable.
But for some reason you stop using ICS (Internet Connection Sharing)
This is not a virus or a Windows bug
the problem comes from the pc wifi server
You can open and edit the Windows registry or try other solutions on the Internet.
because I know that installing and using Kali Linux is difficult, use my video as the last solution
it's work for me and I hope to work for you
if you don't want to lose Windows OS, you can install VirtualBox on Kali (host) and install Windows OS
2:18 If you want to know how to install and log into Linux Kali on my PC

The song I download from the YouTube library is called Grut and is by the artist Patrick Patrikios.

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