#shorts Shift Key _ Caps Lock to disable keyboard shortcuts

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#shorts Shift Key _ Caps Lock to disable keyboard shortcuts
#shorts Shift Key _ Caps Lock to disable keyboard shortcuts
Using the Shift keys for capital letters
Pressing the “shift” key allows you to enter capital letters and symbols at the top of the keys. The shift keys are on the left and right of the keyboard, with the arrow pointing up. For uppercase letters, hold down the "Shift" key and type the letter.

When I press caps lock it types in lowercase?
The CAPSLOCK key starts working in reverse order when the keyboard is unplugged. If a keyboard is unplugged with Caps Lock enabled, when a keyboard is plugged back in, the Shift key functionality is enabled and Caps Lock is reversed. … Pressing the Shift key or Caps Lock produces lowercase letters.

Shift key _ CapsLock enabled/disabled keyboard shortcuts

Time-saving keyboard shortcuts.

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