Social Media Won't Sell Your Books – 5 Things That Will

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Social Media Won't Sell Your Books - 5 Things That Will
Social Media Won’t Sell Your Books – 5 Things That Will
Many book authors believe that social media will be the solution to selling their books. Unfortunately, social media alone won't sell your book. You need a good outline, a catchy hook for your book to get people interested, and a few other key strategies to attract buyers and readers.

In this video, Julie Broad from Book Launchers reveals why social media isn't a standalone solution to selling more books and gives you 5 practical tips for selling more books.

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Transcript of Social Media Won't Sell Your Books – 5 Things That Will Make a Video:

If you think social media will be the answer to selling your book, stick around.
I have some thoughts on this for you.

Many authors come to me thinking that social media is the way they are going to sell their book,
but social media is not a catch-all solution for selling your book.

First, you need a plan for selling your book from the start. Your book needs a hook.
To know what will hook your readers, you need to know who your readers are.

You need to figure out where these people are.
Even though there are two billion people on Facebook, it's not always the best platform to reach your readers.


For some types of books you'll find readers on Goodreads, but most of the time you'll find them offline, at conferences, at trade shows.

They may read magazines or frequent certain types of businesses in your area,
or they may be looking for solutions on videos or podcasts.

Social media might be the answer, but there may be better ways to find your ideal reader.

Think about who you know. The success of my first book More Than Cashflow is entirely due to the support of a handful of key people in the Canadian real estate industry.

Their support, promoting my book to their entire audience, is why it became number one on Amazon.

Without them, when I was promoting the book to my audience, I was able to rank in the top 100 overall, but it was because of them that I reached number one.

Tim Ferriss launched The Four Hour Workweek to bestseller status a little over 10 years ago now, using relationships he built with bloggers.

If you're at the platinum level of book pitchers, we'll pitch your book to bloggers and podcasters.
on your behalf, and we will give you some visibility, but the people who help you the most will know you personally.

If you want your book to succeed, make sure you're building relationships, adding value, and supporting people in your industry so they'll do the same when the time comes for you and your book.

Develop your own list. Social media is not a catch-all solution, as I mentioned.
You are crouching.

In fact, you do not own these contacts.
You can use them, but ultimately, make sure you have your own list, in order to attract people to your website.

Connect with them, collect their emails, then use social media for multiple touchpoints.

At any time, the owner of the property, Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube,
they may decide they no longer like the way you are using their property and evict you.

If they do this and you haven't created your own connections on your website, you will lose everything, so make sure you connect with people in other ways, where you can control the list and be on it. owner, and then use social media to complement your book marketing strategy.

Whatever you do, make sure you have other ways to connect and contact your potential readers. These people will be most likely to buy your book, spread the word for you,
and help with initial assessments.

Ultimately, social media provides a way for readers to interact with you. It's a great way to stay top of mind and build connections, but for social media to work, you need to know who you're writing for, what's going to get their attention, and find a way to get in front of those people.

Good luck with your book, and if you need help figuring out who you're writing for and support through the self-publishing process, book a call with me.

I'd be happy to chat to see if we're a good fit to help you write, publish and promote your book. »

Please take the opportunity to connect and share this video with your friends and family if you find it useful.

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